Composition 11.3 by Mila Morton

Composition 11.3 by Mila Morton

Mila Morton

Mila Morton

Mila Morton

Mila’s work is about patterns in the world around us, finding abstractions in the complex and complexity in the apparently simple, and about repetition/universality and singularity/now.

She grew up on the edge of the Eurasian steppe, where her first views of the world were the dome of the sky, the curving yet level horizon and the flatness of the desert. At art school in Moscow and living in Asia, Mila has studied history of art from icons to Contemporary Art, and the Asian landscape tradition, and her work is another manifestation of their truth: that representation is always multi-layered, incomplete but in its own way having meaning.

At the same time, Mila loves the physicality of technique, from mosaic to painting to film and the new world of electronic images, she is always exploring new methods to address the age-old questions of art and of life as expressed by art. 

Mila has exhibited her work in solo exhibitions worldwide.