Why Abstract Art Makes Us Feel Good:

Round and Round by Isabelle Beaubien

Round and Round by Isabelle Beaubien

We all know that Picasso was right when he said “Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life”, whether it is looking abstract at art in a public gallery or relaxing in front of an artwork at home at the end of a long,  stressful day, it makes us feel good!

The First Time I Met You #12 by Corinne Natel

The First Time I Met You #12 by Corinne Natel

On the scientific side, looking at art reduces the stress hormone called cortisol, stimulates the feel-good hormones called endorphins and increases dopamine that leads to positive sensations in us.  This helps combat stress and pain and lets us enjoy a sense of fulfilment, improves memory and problem solving, delays ageing and generally transforms us into more positive, well-rounded human beings!

Rolling Hills by Giuseppe D’Innella

Rolling Hills by Giuseppe D’Innella

Science aside, buying and owning art brings lots of emotions into play.  When we go to buy an artwork we can feel a little apprehensive, or even overwhelmed, and of course, we fall in love with the artwork that we buy. It doesn’t stop there, once we get our artwork home we feel excited and can’t wait to get it hanging on the wall.This love affair with our art and the feeling of wellbeing doesn’t go away - it is literally the gift to ourselves that keeps on giving!

Look towards Not Back by Rod McIntosh

Look towards Not Back by Rod McIntosh

Whenever we look at that artwork, whether it is a glance as we pass by or taking a couple of minutes of ‘me’ time and relaxing in front of it, we can clear our minds of everyday hassle and that artwork immediately connects us,on a personal level, back to why and where we bought it. It could have been bought for a special occasion: a wedding present, or to celebrate a new job, the vibrant colours could remind us of a happy holiday in the sun, or it could reconnect us with our partner when we are apart.

Illuminating Footprints by Rachel Newton

Illuminating Footprints by Rachel Newton

Buying art definitely washes the dust of everyday life out of the soul and replaces it with the feeling of wellbeing.  It uplifts us, makes us feel happy and fulfilled seeing it part of our growing collection of artwork with all the memories and experiences that are associated with it. 

Lifted Up by Laura H Elliott

Lifted Up by Laura H Elliott